Debbie is based in Banks Peninsula, and creates her work in illustration and photography. Inspired by the world that surrounds her - incorporating many elements and subjects that inspire her into her artwork; wildlife, landscapes, people, architecture, the botanical world, as well as her passion for travel. She enjoys capturing the world by camera or by sketching and illustrating, with some of her works merging both mediums, and digital design; following her love of graphic design.
Her work is sold as greeting cards and art prints in the Kowhai Collective. Into the Wild was rebranded from Designs of an Eclectique Heart last year, so you can find a mixture of Debbie's designs in the Kowhai Collective under these two brands. Outside of the Kowhai Collective, Debbie's work expands into games and language products, homewares, furniture renovation, and jewellery, custom illustration and graphic design work.